Happy Summer Solstice!
Western New York winters are particularly dreary, and sometimes last well into April, so the arrival of summer is worth celebrating. During the long, dark days of winter, we tend to turn inward, hunker down and hibernate - we’re less likely to meet friends for a meal or a walk, and will instead bundle up on the couch for the weekend (or the season). Often, if you work a regular “9-5” job, (which probably actually means 8-6), you’re at work for the entire period of daylight. For some of us, myself definitely included, the darkness and chill of winter seems to get longer every year, each period of hibernation more exhausting than the last.
Oh, but then the Earth starts to tilt back toward the Sun, starting her journey back toward the fullness of summer. As spring starts to slowly think about coming back around, we begin to wake up again. The clouds roll away and the snow starts to melt, we stretch and rub our eyes and blink into the morning light that suddenly exists again.
By the time the summer solstice arrives, we are fully awake. Our spirits are alive, reinvigorated by all the beauty and rebirth that comes with the spring. We want to bask in long, sunny days, move our bodies through space, and steep ourselves in all that this season has to offer.
June 21st marks the longest day of the calendar year, the closest we humans will physically be to the sun - I hope that you have some time to get outside today. Soak up all the energy you can from the sun, stay up late and light a bonfire, burst into spontaneous sun salutations, roll in the grass with your kid, or your dog - uplift yourselves, you fabulous humans. Summer is here.
A thousand solstice blessings to you, friend.
💖 kass